for Believing Wives

Advice to the wives: If you really want to touch the heart of your husband, instead of telling him that you love him try this.

Stop what you are doing, get up close to him, grab both of his hands, and look him in the eyes. Then tell him you are proud of him, tell him you respect him, tell him you honor him, and tell him you grateful for the husband and father he is, or is trying to be……and please make sure that you mean what you are saying (he’ll know the difference).

If you do this you will have touched the heart of your husband, the very core of him as a man, and don’t be surprised if you make him cry, while he is doing that back flip for, and because of you.

Yes, we as husbands need to be loved, but we rarely doubt that we are loved by our wives. We know we are, even when you’re mad at us. Often, what we are less sure of, and what is so very, very important for us to know are the answers to the questions, “Am I doing a good job? Am I a good provider? In your eyes, am I good man?”

Many husbands are so very desperate to know the answers to these questions, but wouldn’t ever dare ask them, because a negative response from our wives would cut us deeper than you can probably imagine. We won’t risk it, so if you think your husband is a good man, then you should tell him so. !

If you don’t think he is a good man, then pray him into it. A wife’s prayers for her husband have a far greater effect on him than anyone else’s. — Danny Delgado

Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.